Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Snowy Day

Snowy Day
Barn in snow with cardinals

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today brought out the sun and melted most of the snow on the ground. Vernon working on the genrator, can't get it to run. Would love to have it the next time we get "snow bound".
We finally got the pine tree off the house, still has to be cleaned out of our yard, but at least it is off the house.
Tomorrow starts a new week, and I hope I can be more productive than I've been this week.
Talk later!

Friday, January 30, 2009


At last the tree is off the roof of our house! it has snowed off and on all day, just like March weather. I think it is ice now, my daughter came over and said the sidewalk was ice and the cars coming down our little lane are driving really slow!
Next time I'm where I can find one, I'm buying one of those camp stoves, so we can at least cook if our power goes off again, lol.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring? Just think Monday is Groundhog Day!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Power, Power

We had an ice storm, rain, and snow, and our power went off. We have a heating backup with a Buck Stove and natural gas, so we stayed warm, but no way to cook something hot to eat. One can eat sandwitches so long and you want something hot to eat. After the ice storm, a White Pine tree on our neighbors property, fell on our house. I thought something had exploded like a bomb! I was at the computer next to my bedroom which is where it fell, on my bedroom part of the house. Now to get it removed! There are two more big trees like this one next to this one, I sure hope they fall the other way when they fall! In this picture you can see the ice, but the sun came out today a while enough to melt the ice off the room and tree, so will be easier to remove.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


One of the Painting list's I belong to, is having an Artist Trading Card exchange.
The Coordinator says it can be hand painted directly on the card or we can use a print of a painting we have painted, so I'm doing that. I did some watercolor paintings a few years back and I've made prints from those at Office Max. Then I bought the plastic covers that boys use for their baseball collections to put my ATC's in.
I keep a 3 ring notebook with plastic pages in that I store my ATC's in I've received in exchanges. Get it out often and look at them.
Saturday, and my dining room table is "busy".LOL> I'm not cleaning my mess of cards off, 'cause I'll just get back at it on Monday. Sound familiar? Hope so.
Hope everyone can get out to their Worship places tomorrow and have a great DAY!
Talk later!

Friday, January 23, 2009


TGIF not really! Fridays come around too soon anymore. I've been working on
note cards I already have printed up from my watercolors and I'm going to
exhibit them in our Art Gallery in Paintsville. Hope some of them sell.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wally World

I ventured outside today for a trip to Wal Mart. We were out of Cat food! Can't have that! The snow is about gone, it got up to 46 degrees I believe. I put on so many layers of clothes on and once you get into the store , you are burning up. It was much colder when I left home! Can't win!
My cat food trip turned into a $131.00 tab! If you're like me, you can think of all kinds of items you "need" once you get in the store. I take so many Vitimans, that's what runs my bill up, and sometimes I think I'm absolutely "crazy". I never saw so many people shopping, had to park far away, stand in line for eons of time. Every checkout had long rows of people with carts full and running over, I finally found one that said, "10 item or less" and went through, if she had said anything to me about having more than 10 items, I was ready with an answer! lo BTW they didn't have any checkers in the second level of checkouts, you know the ones nearest the outside Isle to go out the door? Of course my list also included some craft items, what is left to buy in crafts.
Talk later!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bird Watching

I finally caught my furbabies watching the birds at the feeder in the back yard. Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of a cat? Very hard! I just got one pic and Chloe came running to see what I had in my hand! Chloe is on the left side and Misty Bleu on the right. We get a lot of enjoyment out of them. Chloe is always in to something and Misty Bleu is a laid back cat, nothing alarms her! lol. She is my "shelter" cat. We still have some snow on the ground. AWWW Winter! It does bring the redbirds out to feed and they are so beautiful!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Memory Boxes

I worked on the four memory boxes today. I still have to varnish them. I always take pictures of them before varnishing to cut down on the glare. If you want to see the latest ones they are in my Picture Trail, Memory Boxes album.
It has been in the 20's today, cold, had a few snow showers this AM but soon sunny.
I'll put one of the boxes that I decopauged the print from one of my paintings, up on this site.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday 19

Well snow has come to Tomahawk! We have about 2 inches of snow, and the red birds
are feeding at the bird feeder. We have chickadees, doves, wrens, bluejays, bluebirds. I so enjoy watching them. My two cats, love to sit at the patio door and watch the birds, I can imagine what would happen if they were out, but alas, they are house cats. Chloe is my sable Siamese and Misty Bleu is the shelter cat, and is supposed to be a Blue Siamese, which she looks like one. Chloe is the youngest but she is the Boss! She love to "jump rope" with her wand toy, but when Misty shows up, she grabs it and drags it to another room. Aren't pets wonderful?
I've been working on 4 Memory Boxes today. Painted one and am decopauging the other three. These four will fit in a priority Mailing Box.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday 18th

I was "under the weather" today, stayed in bed most of the day. At my age I think I can do that! ha. The roads were icy this morning and when DH got back from Church this evening he said it was snowing, maybe we will have Winter here in Tomahawk, yet.
So far just a dusting of snow.
Today starts another week, so hope I can get to painting something this week.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday, 1-17-09

Today has been a very happy day for me! I met up with my best buddy, Marcia and her DH, John, and we went to our Chapter meeting and it was a tea Party! So much food, and great fellowship with everyone. We have several members who travel some distance from the area we meet in. Just goes to show, painters love to get together and talk ART. We had two ladies joining the Chapter also and one of them is a teacher. Sounds like we will have a great year with seminars and workshops. From watercolors, to gourds, we will have a great year!
When I left home at 6 AM it was ZER0 but warmed up to in the 20's.
Our chapter paints Memory Boxes for Hospice, there in Charleston, WV. They use the oval bentwood boxes, so brought one home to paint and take back next meeting time.
Till later!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jan. 16

TGIF. The days are going by so swiftly, here it is Friday again.
It is cold outside, 14 degrees right now, but colder earlier. Just went over to DD, Melinda's house to give her the tray after putting a saw tooth on the back to hang it.
Think I'll paint Memory Boxes today. Maybe a couple will be the Lace designs of Arlene Linton. They are quick and easy and look elegant, I think.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today was Laundry Day. BTW, I'm still using my Sears Kenmore washer and dryer we bought back in 1982! Of course, just the two of us now, but had it when I had 3 children.
We had just a skiff od snow last night, and it's very cold out. Took the tray over to give Melinda and she liked it. She has sunflowers in her kitchen.
Got my beautiful Valentine card today from Liz Macchi. She sure know how to make cards!
Hummm cold day, good for porkcops, turnips, and cornbread. Good ole southern cooking.
till tomorrow.......

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan. 14rh

What a dreary day , today here in my niche of Kentucky. Maybe I'll get my Valentine swap today and brighten up my day, eh? lol. Thanks to Tolegranny for some one on one instructions for my Blog, appreciate that. I'm still learning.
We've been having Blue birds flittering around their boxes. Makes one think of Spring, but isn't it a bit early? Most definetely will have to clean out their box, maybe that's what they are trying to tell me.
I'm off to eat something, feeling hungry.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well I can't say I accompolished a single thing today. Sad, but true.
I have to get to painting or I'll become "stale". Daughter gave me a
pretty wooden tray for my BD. so think I'll paint a big sunflower on
it and use the original brown background. Will post it when finished, if
it gets off the "painting" board.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I'm still trying to learn this blog thing! Can't seem to get it the way I'd like it to look.
Think I'll go eat my last piece of birthday cake.
Maybe paint something this evening.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hi I'm Doris Dolin and welcome to my endeavor to set up a Blogspot. I call it " Musings" 'cause I seem to ramble a lot, lol. I now live in Tomahawk, Ky. Transplanted from Ravenswood, WV.
We've lived here now for 13 years,

Seems like everyone else is doing Blogs so , why not moi?

Today has been a special day for me. I've been blessed to live to be 80 years YOUNG and in fairly good health, which I thank my God for. I am the last surviving member of a Family of
Mother, Father and seven children. I was the youngest out of seven.
I met my Soul mate in High School and we have been married for 60 years.
He is also my wonderful wood cutter and best encourager of my crafting and painting.

I will try and remember to update this Blog with pictures, musings , etc. from time to time.