Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Snowy Day

Snowy Day
Barn in snow with cardinals

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov. 2, 2010

I haven't posted in a long time. Just been doing this and that, and mostly taking it easy. Since hurting my back, don't seem to get interested in much of anything. I have been making more Woodland Santas out of Pine Cones and Quick wood.
I can't wait to get these finished so I can paint something. I'm trying a new venture, it is a consignment shop on the internet called:
Hoping I can sell some things there. It is free to enter but if your item sells they take 30%, and the buyer pays postage, etc.
Wish me luck,,,,,,smile...

I did paint a Memory Box for my sister in law, who lost her husband, (my hubbys brother) in sept. I will try and put that picture up, it is a Gail Anderson design.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Long time posting!

I've been away from my blog for so long, I've forgotten how to do it,
In March our chapter , KVDA, had Sharon Hamilton for a three day seminar. We painted
Geraniums and a water can, with the global Traditions on Friday. On Saturday, we painted a Niche with fruit, done with regular Traditions. I didn't get to stay for the Sunday finishing of the Niche, but I did finished it at home.

On the 4th of July, I fell in the grocery store, coming out the door . I stumbled on the door mat, and hurt my back. I'm just now being able to paint a little. Trying to do some Memory Boxes which is dear to my heart.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have been wanting to paint a canvas with Oils. I don't know who the designer is but back in the early 90's I paintd this same design in a class. The teacher didn't tell us who designed it. She did a lot of Dorothy Dent classes so maybe it it hers.
Anyway, I had saved the 11X14 painting and so had this as reference as I had lost the instructions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It is snowing here in my part of Kentucky, 36 degrees, and it's sticking. I went out to check my birdfeeder and yes, it was almost empty. So put on my jacket and cap and filled it up for the little creatures. I love Cardinals and they have been a pleasure to watch. Took this pic so thought I'd share it with you.
Hope we don't get much snow, not very enjoyable if one has to drive in it and I have to work at the Art Gallery this Friday

Thursday, January 21, 2010


A beautiful day, even though we had rain sprinkles off and on, it is warmer!
I've been trying to get some painting done. After staying overnight with Marcia and painting a heart pillow, I've been trying to get more painted up for the Gallery.

I'll show you the one I have finished. I used JoSonja's Opal dust glitter instead of
the pattern instructions which used glue and sparkles.

I know everyone is anxious for Spring to arrive, I know I am!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 12, 2010

Yesterday was my 81st Birthday. My daughter Melinda had me a Birthday dinner, cake and gift on Sunday, so was a great day.
We still have snow and weather has been in the teens and twenties. Vernon had taken the bird feeder down last fall and hadn't put it back, so I was missing the birds. He isn't supposed to outside if the temp is below 40 degrees, so I put my snow boots on and get the bird bath (they don't take baths in the Winter do they?LOL), put it into the center of the yard and place a board across it and bring the bird feeder and place it on the board. Instant flock of birds, Red Cardinals, Chickadees, Tufted titmouse, Wrens, Finches and today there were three black birds big enough to "eat", and I shooed them away, CROWS. LOL>

My desktop computer has died! Got that dreaded Blue screen! I've had it before but was able to re format and reinstall my Win. XP but not this time, it won't recognize my CD ROM. guess it is gone forever, of course I still have my Laptop, but I did all my craft pictures an etc on the desktop. Guess it's died of old age, bought it in 1994 and that's about as long as they last, I think.

Have to figure out what to paint on two ornaments for my list exchange. I love painting but just hate trying to figure out what to paint.
Talk later!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan. 07 2010

Well today is really Winter wonderland! Don't think we got that much snow, but it snowed all day, and the temp is 30 degrees, so maybe it will go away soon. It has been in the 20's,
I have a Memory Box to paint for my Chapter who furnishes the boxes to a Hospice in Charleston, WVA. My home state. I miss the view we had from our home in WVA. overlooking the Ohio river in the Big Bend, Ravenswood to be exact, between Huntington, and Parkersburg on the Ohio river. Seeing the barges loaded with coal, iron, etc. coming up and going down the river. One year the river froze over solid and the boats were ice bound. Memories!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year 2010

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year filled with joy, peace, and good health!
It's been a long time since I posted anything. Had some health problems, etc.
Life kept just getting in the way. I did paint some ornaments for Christmas. Some of them are kind of unique, in that they are made with pinecones and gourds and Quick Wood. I learned this from Dottie Kuhl who makes the Pinecone Santas.

I want to expand my horizons in paintinga this year and get back to my canvas painting that I first started in , plus some watercolors.
Hope to see ya soon!