Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Memory Box for Sister in law Emma

Snowy Day

Snowy Day
Barn in snow with cardinals

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PC problems

I've been having Internet problems for about 4 days now. The other day, the tech from Suddenlink said my PC wasn't recognizing my Router.No other advice was given. So, I'm thinking we need a new Router, right? Well, Vernon being the ole Instrument mechanic, Electrician, he checked it with his Volt meter and it checked out OK. So today, I call Suddenlink back and get another Tech. He has me Ping and do all those things, and told me if was NOT my router, the trouble was on their end, I'm not showing an IP address. First time I ever got them to admit it was their fault, lol. May be Thursday noon before it is fixed. Go figure! I'm still using my daughter's connection from my painting window. I get real cranky when my computer isn't working, (smile).
Talk later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Suddenlink at Corp. HQ. If you can't resolve issues through normal means, let me know if I can assist. I can be reached at
